Wednesday, 2 January 2008

T r u e C r y p t

Data Privacy - this is important because you don't want your personal data readable by anyone who may;
  1. Use your PC while you are making coffee in the pantry
  2. Hack into your system though your home streamyx connection
  3. Scan your system as part of a corporate audit
  4. Dismantle your laptop and plug the hard-disk into his PC after snatching it from you along Bkt Bintang because you were walking and keying in an SMS instead of paying attention to where you were going.
  5. Or, Like Edison Chen found out, just make a copy of your hard drive when you send your PC in for repair.
Personal data can be as varied as as the people who create it... it can be:
1. Lists of credit card numbers
2. Bank account numbers.
3. ATM PIN numbers
4. avi files of your latest romp in a JB Hotel with a close friend.
5. Pictures of all the girls you s@@@@ed who thought you look like Edison Chen

I have found this utility that is fast becoming my favorite for storing all my personal data. Best thing is - its free.
Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux
Go here for more information on TrueCrypt:
There is an informative introduction to TrueCrypt here.

How I use it: I create a 640MB encrypted space, and store my information there. This is small enough to allow me to backup the space to a CD-RW, and move it to other PC's if required. Yes, a CD can have 650 or 700MB of space, but I believe in safety buffers.
When I get a DVD burner, I will create 4.6GB spaces for storing data. Cool.

A not for the dinosaurs out there - TruCrypt does not work on Win98.