Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Muhyiddin blames ‘ungrateful’ fallout on Chinese media

You can read this article in the Malaysian Insider. I was going to give vent to my own disgust at Muhyiddin's "bodoh sombong" behaviour, but scanning the comments following the MI article I see that most of what I want to say is already said. I only wish to reproduce the following comment here - it is quite far down in the comment log, and might be missed. This is worth a read:

UMNO must learn humility or it faces irrelevancy
written by Umran Kadir, April 14, 2009
Muhyiddin's comment typifies exactly what is wrong with the mindset of UMNO's leadership.

Their line of thinking espouses that if a certain segment of the electorate does not vote for BN then the fault lies with the voters concerned because BN and in particular UMNO have done absoutely nothing wrong.

Muhyiddin's statement belies an astounding level of arrogance.

To those who still think UMNO is capable of reform, read between the lines of Muhyiddin's statement and weep.

Here's the solution: kick out UMNO and kick out BN. THEN IF THEY PROVE TO US THAT THEY ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE RAKYAT'S SUPPORT then we may consider giving them a second chance.

Also, I am Malay and would like to say SHAME ON YOU MUHYIDDIN FOR TURNING BN'S ELECTORAL DEFEATS INTO A RACIAL ISSUE. Race has nothing to do with it.

To UMNO's leaders: stop trying to turn every issue into a racial issue so you can hide behind them and continue dividing Malaysians. The Malaysian people have awakened and are not falling for that trick anymore.

Keep it up if you want your party to continue on its course towards certain irrelevancy.

The question in my mind is; do the members of the UMNO supreme council really believe in Ketuanan Melayu, or are they actually consciously using it as an idea to divide the country and make Malays toe the party line?

All indications are that the idea has taken hold and been internalised, and that UMNO really believes (like some feudal lord of 100 years ago) that all natural resources and even the population 'belong' to them. That would certainly explain (in my mind) the massive blind spot Muhyiddin displays, to our national embarrassment.
TDM may have sung the same song, but dont forget that in "The Malay Dilemma" he actually does not have a high regard for the race his ancestors joined. Could he have, even back in 1970 when the book was published, been planning and manipulating for his takeover? He is, after all, a brilliant strategist. Just ask AAB and KJ, and soon, NTR.

Blogger reports of the recent UMNO AGM also disturbingly seem to support my idea - members saying that 'money politics should be legalised' and 'UMNO must have more control' raising the spectre of a partisan civil service (as though we don't already have one) and conflicts of interest.

Even NTR's ascending to the UMNO presidency shows this ingrained arrogance - he was chosen first, the transition plan was put in place, then the nominations and elections were had (as part of the transition plan). Being the product of such a process, can anyone expect hime to now say "Lets throw this all away and use fair and egalitarian processes"? Dream on.

As the song goes, 'you dont know what you've got till its gone', and I say we have not yet fully appreciated AAB for unlocking (or, some would say, not hindering the growth of) the most important resource Malaysia has - her peoples' ability to think rationally. That his own party should scorn him for this, and even blame him for failures caused by their own irrationality perhaps marks the divergence of UMNO as a party from the path of Malaysia as a unified nation. We must make sure mention it on their epitaph.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

One Malaysia - but some are more ONE than others?

The Malaysian Insider has this commentary on our dear PM's "One Malaysia" announcement.
Today, the Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia ... put in perspective that One Malaysia means no one in the country will be sidelined but affirmative action policies will continue.
Jeff Ooi reports the same thing.

Have you ever read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?
If the report above is true, and this is what One Malaysia is meant to be, then this is exactly what the pigs said after they took over the farm:
"All animals are created equal.
But some are more equal than others."

Just my luck to be living in a comic tragedy of Orwellian proportions.

In another report,
KANGAR, April 12 — The mentris besar and chief ministers are more suitable for appointment as the respective State Umno Liaison Committee Chairmen, said Perlis mentri besar Datuk Seri Dr Md Isa Sabu, today.
This is, to me, an extension of TDM's method of ruling where power was consolidated under one person. This avoided the inconveniences of checks and balances, the need of coordination (or, at least, complicity) between different leaders, and the possibility that ones objectives might be thwarted by such mundane issues as conflicts of interest or (horror of horrors) ethics.
(references: a superficial retelling of the last day of 2008 UMNO General Assembly and ESPECIALLY UMNO blew my fuse )

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Justice not served....

and seen not to be served.
Too many things have been ignored, not persued, and not opened to scrutiny.
When the executive, the police, and the judiciary all behave like they have something to hide, can anyone believe them when they say there is nothing to hide?

Cops to hang for Altantuya murder

SHAH ALAM, April 9 — Policemen Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar were today sentenced to death by the High Court for murdering Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, ending one of the longest trials in Malaysian history.

NTR has made statements rejecting allegations of his involvement, but that alone is not enough when there is a significant body of resonable doubt that he not involved. Read this By Yusseri Yusoff (The Malaysian Insider) and "Hard to blow off stench of allegations — The Malaysian Insider".

With so many questions ignored and unanswered, Azilah and Sirul will always seem to me to be the hands that were cut off, even though it was the head that that ordered the deed to be done.

References: allegation-article-1, allegation-article-2, search-article-by-name, Why did Altantuya have to die? snippets from The Times of UK.