Thursday, 7 July 2011

lu orang bersih tak? ( are you people clean?)

News about the BERSIH rally:

Bersih 2.0 Will Happen At Stadium Merdeka On July 9th

Steering Committee of Bersih 2.0
Thursday, 07 July 2011 06:07

Bersih 2.0 is disappointed in the manner in which the Prime Minister and his cabinet has reneged on their offer to provide a stadium for us to hold our peaceful gathering.

As members of civil society that are committed to principles of integrity, we fully intend to abide by the advice of Tuanku DYMM SPB YDP Agong and hold our gathering in a stadium to state our demand for clean and fair elections.

Even the Malaysian diaspora are involved now:

Bersih Taipei: Malaysians in Taiwan show the meaning of courage and spirit

And sadly, but as expected, the Malaysian government prefers to behave like a pouting spoiled brat rather than a mature and principled organisation. Didn't you agree to the king's recommendation to sit down to discussions? And did you not offer to provide the use of a stadium?

Police To Decide On Use Of Merdeka Stadium For July 9 Rally

Thursday, 07 July 2011 05:44
KLANG -- Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said on Wednesday the decision to allow the July 9 rally at the Merdeka Stadium rested with the police.
"We have left it to the authorities, particularly the police, to decide in terms of security and so on," he told a news conference . . . . . . .
Asked when he was meeting S. Ambiga, the chairman of Bersih 2.0, the prime minister said: "I didn't say I will be meeting Ambiga. The government can mean anyone; government doesn't mean me specifically."

Permit condition in bad faith, says Ambiga
By Yow Hong Chieh
July 06, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 6 — Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has accused the authorities of “lacking good faith” for demanding that the group apply for a permit to hold its planned stadium rally this weekend.

And this is just what a bully does - cause lots of disruption, and then say "its their fault for not doing what I want"....
PKR: Putrajaya choking trade with shutdowns, roadblocks
PETALING JAYA, July 7 — PKR today accused the Najib administration of choking business activities in the Klang Valley ahead of Saturday’s Bersih rally with police roadblocks and disruptions to public transportation.