Tuesday, 7 March 2006

Durian Party

(contextual information for non-Malaysians) The Durian (pictured right) is known in Malaysia as the King of fruits. It can be as large as a football, and smells like the sulphur pools of Rotorua on a bad day. Be that as it may, we love it for its buttery flesh and unique sweet taste. Occasionally, an employer will have a 'Durian Party', where baskets of the fruit are brought in to a convenient place and the office folk can stuff themselves silly...... this story happened at one such party.

I believe the supplier was trying to dispose of the smallest fruit first, so after I had patiently waited for my turn I was rewarded with two rather dissapointing specimens. I carried them back to the table where my collegues were waiting to tuck in, and immediately got flack from one of the ladies there:
"Why are your fruits so small?" She said, and looked me square in the eye.

What else can a man do in the face of such provocation?

"Madam," I intoned, "My fruits may be small, but they are exceedingly sweet."

Durian Parties are such fun.

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