Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Lunch Out

Aah... hot Pan Meen.

I went out for lunch at a food court today, a break from the usual tomato-and-cheese-on-wholemeal sandwitch.
(what - you have not tried one of those before? get outta here man - you dont know what you are missing !! I will post the recipe later!)

I met up with Khyun, hoping to rehash old times and regrind old axes. Unfortunately, he is too professional (a rare trait in a Malaysian - most can only master the anal part of "professional") to speak badly of his employer to an outsider.... so part of the conversation at least, was stillborn.
Oh hum.... 2000 people in the organisation, and I have to befriend one of the professionals.

Anyway, his tongue may be tied, but his powers of observation are not abated. Khyun wondered why the cooks and service people in the food court all wore surgical masks under their chins!! We could think of a few possibilities:
  1. the surgical masks on the chin are an innovative way to prevent drool from falling into the food.
  2. its hot around the stoves and ovens, and sweat (read "perspiration" for the cultured) trickles down your face. The surgical mask will redirect it down your neck and into your shirt, instead of it dripping off the tip of your chin, and into the food.
Now that I think about it, both are the same basic reason - the surgical mask is now a "chin guard" of a sort. Anyway, seeing that such care is taken with food preparation, we could not but eat our Pan Meen with peace of mind.

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