Tuesday, 24 June 2008


We Malaysians have a penchant for rumor and fantastic stories.
Even a responsible organisation like CAP (the Consumer Association of Penang) has made a slip, recommending that handphones be banned because ofthe "radiation they produce". Sorry, I read that in the hardcopy of a local paper, and can not find the reference online.

My theory is that this is a reaction to knowing that we are not being told everything. It seems that at any time, a judge might make a revelation that someone attempted to coerce him into putting the needs of one party above the law. It seems that at any time, someone could turn up missing, or dead, or blown to pieces, and no one would be able to get a straight story from anyone about it. It seems that you could put a brilliant man, politician, and/or political leader on the witness stand, and to the crucial questions he could just say "I dont remember", whereas if anyone cast aspersions on him, he would be able to say "I remember it was not that way".

So the latest rumor is that there will be a "strike" by petrol stations in a day or two, and they will close. After all, The Star already reports "Petrol kiosks may stop credit card payments". Fantastic! Unbelievable! But some of us WILL rush out tonight to fill our tanks. And thinking about it, you need the fuel anyway, so what's the harm in being safe rather than sorry?

Except that rushing, and panic buying, and hoarding creates artificial demand, and demand (whether artificial or not) creates shortages and higher prices.

But go ahead if you want - rush to the pump. After all, I already filled up at lunchtime today... Nyaaah Nyaah Nyaah...

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