Friday, 17 October 2008

MELAMINE: Raising agent from China banned

The news is in the Sun and the Star. (Wouldn't know about the "Crooked Times" and "Beri Cerita Harian" as I don't read those rags).
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The decision to ban the raising agent, which takes effect immediately, was made after analysis made on samples from two biscuit factories -- Khong Guan in Johor and Khian Guan in Penang -- found that 18 of 47 samples had excessive melamine levels.
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Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said...... "Results from our tests found that the melamine level in the ammonium carbonate used for Khong Guan and Khian Guan biscuits is 33.4ppm and 508ppm respectively,” he told a press conference on Thursday.
etc... etc...
Khong Guan Sdn Bhd and Khian Guan Biscuit Manufacturing Company Sdn Bhd, in a joint statement, said they would fully cooperate with the ministry and would ensure that the products were recalled quickly.
The two companies said they have ceased using ammonium bicarbonate from China and had switched to those sourced from other countries.
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Looks like I have to add biscuits and baking power to my list in my blog on things Made in China.
Oh - and I think I need to correct something: In 2007, when pets were dying because of Melamine in their food in the US, I think the food was not made in China - one of the ingredients was.

Have they tested Lap Cheong and Waxed Duck yet? And Ma Ling luncheon Meat?

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