I was walking to the office across a muddy tract of land (it is being cleared to become a car park I am told) and I was navigating around the puddles. I came to a big one, and chose to cross the higher ground to avoid it.
This is where not being an outdoor-and-camping kind of guy becomes a disadvantage.
The 'higher ground' turned out to be just a pile of soft mud deposited there by the earth mover. My left foot sank in up to the ankle; I lost balance, and moved my right foot only to place it into the same pile of mud. Still off balance (because now both feet were stuck), I had to crouch and put my hand out to steady myself. Yes, my right hand also sank into the mud.
To his credit, my friend who was walking behind me did not burst in laughter. He kept his head, and gave me a hand - like Indiana Jones pulling someone out of quicksand.
The mud had taken a liking to my shoes, but I was determined (they were new until 5 seconds ago) and hooked them with my feet as I was pulled out onto terra firma.
I waddled to the office (my shoes were encrusted in mud and looked like a pair of rocks), located a water pipe outside the building, and carefully washed the mud away from my shoes. My friend went into the office to find a pair of alternate footwear, which he thankfully did. I had to bin the socks.
And so, I am waiting for my shoes to dry sufficiently so I can put them on and go home to change…. Amazingly, even though I was almost knee deep in mud, my trousers (also relatively new - I bought them while on holiday in Canada last August) are not totally soaked in the stuff. Hooray for Canadian brands. This is a Mantles trouser. Absolutely a must-wear if you plan to walk though mud on the way to work.
Of course, my luck being what it is, someone just HAD to take photos of my latest fashion statement and email them to me.
So I present you with the very latest in Malaysian office attire. I call it the earthy look.
(Caution for the faint hearted - pictures contain graphic representation of an ugly pair of feet)
Lesson learned – my friend says stick to those areas that have tyre tracks. You know those are firm enough to support a vehicle.
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