Wednesday, 8 March 2006

The Kelvinator

I was getting my afternoon cup of coffee when he came into the pantry and beamed at me.... a sure sign of trouble.

"I have decided," he said as he spooned coffee and sugar into his cup, "that I will call you The Kelvinator."

"My name is KELVIN," I said in as frosty a voice as I could manage, "and I do NOT manufacture refrigerators."

"No no no - don't jump to conclusions" he said, "hear me out. This will make people sit up and take notice of you."

"Its something like being called The Terminator, except....." and here I saw the deadly twinkle in his eye "cooler."

1 comment:

philcp said...

Interesting... Hmmm... Curious though, with such good command of English and good-looking-charming-kinda-feature, its hard to believe that you're NOT amongst the likes our good fren - "NOT SO E**Y"... You know, with career and all and already GAMEd at when at 32 (so young)....

I wonder.... with more experience, oh! Master teach me the meaning of life why is this WORLD so UNFAIR!?

What is LIFE all about? Why is JOY so hard to come by? And $$ seems ever so important...

Gosh, I purging crap!

Nyway, I must say I am so PROUD to see a budding blogger coming out from his cocoon... Ahhh, young bloggers, how they intrigue me with their mastery of the web language called "weblish" (hybrid of web and english)