Tuesday, 27 June 2006

IT skills shortage — fact or fiction?

Here's an interesting article.... one of many I saw on digg.com. Thanks K for introducing me to the site.

Basically, Linda Musthaler makes a case - and a good one I think - for blaming the lack of available IT skills on the avarice of corporations. This is something close to my heart too. No, not because I got laid off, but because I believe it IS a cold blooded way to operate when the accountants look at the bottom line, and then tell the KL branch manager "Look, your GP isn't double digit - give 3% of your staff their walking papers."

Of course, the fault (if such a deep, systemic, fundamental can be called a fault) is not purely with the corporation or the accountants. Responsibility also is shared by us shareholders. Why? Because if a stock does not perform, you unload it of course.

"Dear stockholder. Despite a 30% growth in revenue, there are indications that the projected 33% growth in GP may not be achieved in the near term.

This will be corrected in the next reporting period, however, as the corporation is taking prudent steps to improve our control posture in expenses.

Your sister Mavis and uncle Martin are being laid off with 498 other employees next week."

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