Friday, 23 June 2006

Where email jokes come from.

Do you ever wonder where email jokes come from?
At least once a week, i get spammed by a friend with a joke that has been making the email circuit. Sometimes these are jokes I saw 2 or 3 years ago, but are rolling through new audiences.
Well, I may have found the home base of at least SOME of those old (yet undeniably funny - the 1st time you read them) jokes.
Here it is: the

Owain F Carter

homepage. Below are a couple of jokes I remember reading in email:
The Bank of Canada's president's balls - love this one....
Special High Intensity Training - I read this before 1997. Thats how old this stuff can be.And here is something new (to me at least)
Student Bloopers — History of the World.


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