Monday, 5 June 2006

Manigorament - Management from a position of ignorance.

Is this an ASEAN or Malaysian trend? Perhaps not, since DILBERT documents the same trends in corporate America.

I see management investing enthusiastically in the development of Managers, and managemet skills. All employees have been instructed to bone up on their 'core skills' of
1. communication
2. taking leadership
3. teamwork

Now the joke:
When a review was done in my location, and gaps were found in key implementation areas, we got the attention of powerful people all the way up to Asian HQ. There must be 5 levels of managers tracking our progress to close the gaps. More spreadsheets, more reports every week, more people calling or dropping by to check your progress.

But there has been not one mention, not one chirp, of technical skills training to make sure the technical grunts know exactly what is required of them, and how to achieve it. The excuse/mantra used is "you are the S.M.E. (subject matter expert) for that system, you should know how it's done". Yeah - right. But you gave me this checklist of system settings.... and your policy is not to know how to implement it?

ok, ok, to be fair, there was the telecon with the Australian who gave us a 1 hour overview of how to implement XXX and YYY. But what we need is a skilled person HERE, on site, to lead the project. We are still grappling with how the technology works.

I still feel we are recreating the wheel. And the reason we are doing that, is that there are more people telling us what gaps to close, than there are people who can show us exactly HOW to go about closing the gaps.

Corporate life sucks. If I had a million bucks, I might just quit and become a voluntary Sunday School Teacher.

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